Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Observation 5: November 13, 2013

Today I saw a few new organisms that I was not able to identify to genus level, but I was able to identify them to their phylum. I saw multiple Annelids, which have been difficult for me to find because they seem to like to hide in the soil at the bottom. I saw one struggling to eat or move a piece of plant material or debris and another at the bottom of the tank searching for food.

I also saw many Euplotes again this week and was able to take a better photo of them (Patterson, 1964).
Finally, probably my favorite organism that I've seen in the tank is an Amoeba. However, I was not able to identify it to genus or species level. It moved in a very odd fashion; it was like a slime and it's body would contort and change depending on the direction it was moving. There seemed to be things swimming inside of it. I'm not sure whether it was part of the organism or things it had eaten. It can be seen here next to a Euplotes. I saw several Amoebas, but this one was the biggest of them (Patterson, 1964). 

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